Accounting and legal services in Uzbekistan
Indicators of the minimum wage, BRV ...
  • MW980 000 sum

    BRV330 000 sum

  • The main rate of the Central Bank14%
  • Yearly VAT registration threshold1000 000 000 sum
  • $ 12793.38
  • ₽ 130.73
  • € 13595.52

Legal support of business in Tashkent

# #News

Published: 09.03.2023 247

Consultway is ready to provide full support for the process of transferring a business from your country to the chosen jurisdiction, including the creation of a new legal entity. As well as providing assistance in opening current accounts and accounting services.
The company registration service will include assistance in choosing the right organizational and legal form of a legal entity, the optimal taxation regime. As well as ownership and management structures, the correct drafting of constituent documents and ensuring registration without delay and unnecessary red tape.

An important aspect of the functioning of the business is banking services.

We pay special attention to this approach. Our experts will select a bank taking into account
specifics of your situation and will support the procedure for opening an account.
In the process of work, you will certainly need to draw up reports, balance sheets and prepare tax returns. As well as their submission to government agencies in accordance with the laws of the chosen jurisdiction. We will be happy to help you with this issue, providing full accounting support.
You can also count on our help in clearing staff both in terms of internal documents of the company, and taking into account the necessary requirements for registration and obtaining permits from the relevant authorities.

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