Subscriber legal services are a whole range of services necessary for the functioning of a business and its development. Legal service is a guarantee of stability. You can be sure of high-quality and timely work, the absence of errors and clear planning of tasks.
The activity of any company requires constant legal support. But it is far from always advisable to keep a legal department or an in-house lawyer.
It is much more efficient and expedient to conclude a contract for subscription legal services and use the services of qualified specialists at a bargain price.
Service list
Depending on the needs of your organization, on the volume and complexity of the tasks, you can choose an individual package of services that fully meets your needs and will include:
- oral and written consultations with the provision of references and conclusions on issues of interest to the Customer
- development and legal examination of contracts, agreements, contracts
- legal support of economic transactions
- preparation of procedural documents: claims, lawsuits, statements, complaints, petitions
- representation of the client’s interests in public authorities and administration
- representation of client’s interests in negotiations with contractors
- legal support for the registration of legal entities, as well as changes to the constituent documents
- representation in arbitration courts and in courts of general jurisdiction
- information support of the client’s activities (familiarization with regulatory materials, reference information).
Conclusion of a contract for subscription legal services
The conclusion of a contract for subscription legal services for your company gives you guarantees of high-quality and professional provision of a whole range of legal services, not by one lawyer, but by a company of professionals, which not only saves you time and money, but also helps to avoid problems with sick leave and vacations of full-time lawyers.
A very important nuance is that the employees of a law firm work in different areas of law and face legal problems in different areas of business. And this allows you to competently solve a wider range of tasks than regular employees.
Consultway is your legal department, which will cost you less than the salary of one specialist.